Cancellation for personal use is invalid if the reason for cancellation is not sufficiently specified

In a notice of termination for personal use pursuant to Section 573 BGB, the landlord must state the reasons for his justified interest within the meaning of Paragraph 3 in such a way that they can be clearly identified and distinguished from other reasons. Otherwise, it does not fulfil the formal requirements of Section 573 (1) sentence 1 BGB and is invalid.

Facts of the Case

In the case at hand, the landlord had based the termination for personal use on the fact that two of his children would have to use the flat in the future. He did not provide the names or any other information to identify these children. The regional court ruled that the cancellation was invalid because it violated Section 573 (1) sentence 1 BGB.

Beschluss des Landgerichts Berlin

Vermieter machte Eigenbedarf für seine Kinder geltend, nannte aber deren Namen nicht

The landlord, who has four children, had only stated in the termination letter that two of his children, who are studying abroad and were both born in 1994, needed the flat. The notice of termination did not contain any further details as to which of his children were involved. In the opinion of the court, this does not fulfil the requirements of Section 573 (3) sentence 1 BGB.

Das Gericht ist der Ansicht, dass das berechtigte Interesse des Vermieters an der Kündigung in der Kündigungserklärung so differenziert angegeben werden muss, dass der Kündigungsgrund eindeutig identifiziert werden kann. Grund dafür ist, dass § 573 Abs.1 S.1 BGB sicherstellen soll, dass der Mieter frühestmöglich in der Lage ist, alle zur Wahrung seiner Interessen notwendigen Schritte einzuleiten. Dies beinhaltet insbesondere die Ermöglichung einer Verteidigung gegen die Kündigung.

Landgericht Berlin entschied, dass die Personen für die Eigenbedarf angemeldet wird, namentlich benannt werden müssen

Diese ist jedoch nur möglich, wenn der Mieter den Grund für die Kündigung kennt und dieser so genau bezeichnet ist, dass der Vermieter ihn nicht später bei Bedarf auswechseln kann. Daher müssen die Person, für die der Eigenbedarf angemeldet wird, sowie das Interesse an der Nutzung der Wohnung in der Kündigungserklärung angegeben werden.

Source: Berlin Regional Court

Important Note: The content of this article has been prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, due to the complexity and constant changes in the subject matter, liability and guarantees are excluded.Important Note: The content of this article has been prepared to the best of our knowledge. However, due to the complexity and constant changes in the legal field, we exclude liability and warranties.

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